7-14-21 Day Emotional Wellness Retreats on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada at Ocean Resort

Easy to get to Fresh Start Emotional Wellness Retreat from anywhere in North America. Only 30 min from Comox Airport or 90 min from the Nanaimo Ferry.

Easy to get to Fresh Start Emotional Wellness Retreat from anywhere in North America. Only 30 min from Comox Airport or 90 min from the Nanaimo Ferry.

Do any of these apply to you? If yes, this holistic program is for you.

  • Do you feel that you need to calm your emotions or curb your irritability?
  • Do you want to understand the underlying causes of depression or anxiety and diminish them?
  • Do you want to be in a space where you can safely process your emotions and be heard?
  • Do you feel like you need professional assistance in healing a deep trauma or a major change in your life?
  • Do you need increased motivation to do things you need and want to do?
  • Do you need to nourish and heal your soul in a loving and supporting environment, away from a stressful situation or daily rut?

Do any of these apply to you? If yes, this holistic program is for you.

  • Do you feel that you need to calm your emotions or curb your irritability?
  • Do you want to understand the underlying causes of depression or anxiety and diminish them?
  • Do you want to be in a space where you can safely process your emotions and be heard?
  • Do you feel like you need professional assistance in healing a deep trauma or a major change in your life?
  • Do you need increased motivation to do things you need and want to do?
  • Do you need to nourish and heal your soul in a loving and supporting environment, away from a stressful situation or daily rut?

Depression (Before program & after program)

Anxiety (Before program & after program)

Depression (Before program & after program)

Anxiety (Before program & after program)

Depression (Before program & after program)

Anxiety (Before program & after program)


Though we cannot guarantee recovery from any specific health condition and issue, many Fresh Start guests have found the Programs helpful with addressing:

  • Worry
  • Nervousness
  • Phobias (spiders, snakes, crowds, small spaces, water etc.)
  • Social Anxiety
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Fear of public speaking
  • Fear of abandonment
  • Fear that terrible things will happen
  • Anxiety about the ability to handle life
  • Fear to start a relationship
  • Fear of commitment
  • Fear of death
  • Fear of cancer or another disease that “runs” in the family
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of opening up or trusting others
  • Fidgeting
  • Exhaustion/Dysfunction of Energetical Bodies and Centres (Aura, mental body, chakras)
  • Mood swings/ Emotional Instability
  • Irritability
  • Heightened sensitivity to words and actions of others, being easily affected by emotions of others
  • Overreacting to everything
  • Frequent feeling of rejection
  • Difficulty to take constructive feedback
  • Crying in an uncomfortable situation
  • Intense emotions, though often not visible to others
  • Feeling needy and difficulty to generate own energy, happiness without other people
  • Caregiving for a sick, mentally disabled or dying family member/ friend
  • Physical and emotional exhaustion, leading to loss of compassion/ irritability
  • Feeling overwhelmed and unable to handle day-to-day tasks
  • Restless leg syndrome, insomnia, panic attacks and other symptoms of the nervous system overload
  • Physical health issues due to lack of self-care and increased work (digestion, structural health issues)
  • Major life events and changes
  • Situational
  • Chronic
  • Dysthymia (minor depression)
  • SAD
  • Dark mental outlook: feeling hopeless, powerless and trapped
  • Feeling of worthlessness
  • Feeling of guilt
  • Lack of motivation
  • Gradual weaning of anti-depressants
  • Stress eating
  • Excessive appetite
  • Inability to feel full
  • Lack of appetite and enjoyment with food
  • Irregular eating patterns/ lack of healthy structure
  • Lack of knowledge in the area of healthy nutrition and healthy meals preparation
  • Increased wine, beer and other alcoholic beverages (controlled)
  • Coca-cola, coffee, sodas and other stimulants overconsumption
  • Junk food addiction
  • Sugar/ salty foods addiction
  • Digestive challenges, such as IBS, constipation, nausea, stomach pain and bloating
  • Emotional pain that wants to come out but you are not sure what it is or have resistance to letting go
  • Feeling as if you compromise your own values
  • Feeling of being disconnected from oneself
  • Social isolation and difficulty to express what’s on one heart
  • Feeling like things “being done to me”
  • Anger management
  • Conflicting desires/ shame/ gilt
  • PTSD
  • Early Childhood Trauma
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Loss of a loved one and bereavement
  • Healing after divorce or break-up

Emotional wellness issues may come coupled with physical illnesses, such as:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • IBS
  • Arthritis
  • Tension in neck and shoulders, lower back pain
  • Obesity
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Diabetes/ Pre-diabetes
  • Low energy levels
  • Lack of mental clarity, foggy brain

Fresh Start program includes various components that your physical health may benefit from. Virtually every guest improves at least in 1 area of their physical wellbeing, most in multiple areas.


  • Emphasis on relaxation of the entire body and mind, allowing deeper and more gradual healing.
  • Holistic approach to physical, emotional and soul health. While focusing on your heart, complement it with healthy nutrition, exercise and other vital physical components of emotional health.
  • Semi-flexible structure with quality education and nature therapy component. Enjoy balanced group and individual rest time, smell the ocean breeze, participate in many guided nature walks in pristine air.
  • Effective methods without immersing you for a prolonged time into past painful experiences open up to gentle and deep healing without all-day-long heavy group circles, common for trauma-focused counselling and rehab programs.
  • Work with top-notch experienced practitioners in the areas of emotional and physical wellness. Greatly improve your emotional well-being with our cohesive, multi-skilled and intuitive team.
  • Addressing underlying health conditions.  Disease may affect how you feel emotionally. During your stay, you may begin dealing with issues with digestion, sleep, hormonal and nervous system disorders.
  • Re-hydration, re-nourishment and restoration of the aura and chakras. See your emotions becoming more grounded and your ability to handle life changes and stresses with greater ease.
  • Gentle detox component, greatly beneficial for releasing past emotions and balancing the hormonal system and neurotransmitters.

During your holistic program we will work on the following 4 areas:

Emotional/Energetic Health

  • Decreased emotional resilience

  • Low self-esteem

  • Feeling of hopelessness and deep sadness

  • Difficulty in releasing and letting go of pain and emotions

  • Constant negative emotional patterns

  • Social isolation and fear

Mental Health

  • Severe mental burnout

  • Difficulty to concentrate and make decisions

  • Brain fog and lack of mental clarity

  • Brain chemicals imbalance

  • Disconnection from one’s body and feelings

  • Lack of purpose

Quit Bad Habits

  • Emotional Eating (sugar, junk food, not bulimia or anorexia)

  • Controlled social/ closet drinking

  • Marijuana addiction

  • Smoking

  • Digital addiction (obsessive cellphone use)

  • Lack of nutrition, fitness routine and daily structure

Physical Health

  • Digestive (constipation, diarrhea, bloating)

  • Insomnia and Restless Leg S.

  • Adrenal exhaustion

  • Respiratory Issues (chronic sinus infections, frequent colds)

  • Dysregulated Nervous System (irritability, feeling overwhelmed)

  • Cardiovascular (high BP)

If in addition to emotional health issues, I suffer from physical illnesses or unhealthy habits, can I work on all of those simultaneously?

emotional health issues,

Most people who come to Fresh Start Health Restoration Retreat to work on their Emotional Health typically have more than one condition of need. You may be suffering from depression, want to Quit Smoking/Marijuana, are dealing with heartburn, cannot sleep, have diarrhea or constipation and want to re-acquire healthy meal preparation skills. Or maybe you are on a ton of medications, already have a fatty liver, inflammation of the nervous system or body tissues, mobility issues and are in a lot of pain. And you totally do not know where to start or what to focus on.

The good news is that we work with guests with multiple health challenges regularly. Though emotional wellness will be your primary focus, we will dedicate some time to physical aspects of your health and habits repatterning, too.

Many of our protocols and the Core Program are designed to help improve your digestive, hormonal and nervous systems, which are typically impacted by stress.

However, you can never work intensively with all health issues at once, as it is not safe and ineffective.

For example, if you smoke and suffer from emotional issues, you may not be able to quit until you stabilize your emotions, because you use smoking as a pain killer for your soul. You may try to be too hard on yourself, but if you are severely dysregulated, trying to quit cold turkey may add even more stress. If the emotional disbalance is milder and a person is very determined, both goals often may be achieved simultaneously.

Another example: you may wish to work with your body inflammation or weight loss, but if your Nervous System is really out of whack, which is often the case with emotional issues, you may not be able to tackle physical issues extensively in your first visit, because you would get overwhelmed and not able to handle that work. Weight loss also may not progress, when your body is in the fight-and-flight mode, because the body uses weight as a protective mechanism and may not want to let go of it. Focusing on weight loss, when you are a “basket case” is ineffective, taxing and will not produce long-lasting results.

If you suffer from both advanced emotional and advanced physical issues plus unhealthy habits, most often you will need to start with emotional wellness. If you have advanced depression or anxiety, please do not anticipate working in depth on physical health issues during your first program session. The only exception is when the very emotional issues are caused by physical pain/ condition and the emotional problems are secondary in origin. In that case, it makes sense to start with physical health issues, as their improvement will be a major factor in your emotional healing. Technically, it will be the Physical Health area of focus.

On the other hand, once your nervous system starts stabilizing or your emotional state is quite stable, to begin with, you may be able to work on other issues at the same time. For example, many guests who suffer from mild to moderate levels of depression, often are able to simultaneously handle advanced digestive system detox (digestive flushes and colonics). In very dysregulated cases, we may need to keep your detox milder, but it still will be done through a special healing diet and enhanced hydration.

If you are on medications and are considering adjusting them, our Naturopathic Physician is able to review them upon request (at a specially scheduled medical consult) and may help you gradually start decreasing them, provided you start improving and it is safe. Our Naturopathic Physician can make adjustments to anti-depressants and most medications, but some meds are not within his/ her scope of work, including anti-psychotic meds, as those require the aid of a psychiatrist.

Summary: While all areas of health are typically worked on along with your emotional well-being, it is unsafe and unrealistic to work on all issues in-depth simultaneously. If you have a lot on your plate, you may need multiple program visits to address each issue separately.  If one issue is very advanced (ex. you start emotionally at minus a million points), one program may not be sufficient to see a major turnaround (you may be able to improve from the minus million to a minus hundred point mark, but not to a plus 100).

What besides my Individual Health Services, will I be doing at the Fresh Start?

The Foundation of Your Program is

Fresh Start Semi-Flexible Healing Structure™, or Core Program

Your Core Program includes vegan, organic, with a large percentage of raw foods (composed primarily of fresh vegetables, greens, fruits, nuts and seeds) and healing drinks to restore and nourish your cells. You will also experience gentle detox of the whole body; including the digestive tract, liver, parasite, lymph and other organs. Educational classes in the areas of healthy lifestyle and emotional well-being are included as well as guided meditations, yoga, fitness classes and so much more. All this being hosted at eco-friendly Ocean Resort, located on a beautiful ocean-front property on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.

Fresh Start’s Core Program has a balanced semi-structure and serves as the foundation for your Individualized Healing Path™ during your 7-14-21 retreat. Please expect that during your stay with us, you will be working as a group and everyone will experience a similar daily structure.


  • Organic Vegan Meals
  • Health Education
  • Fitness Classes
  • Game and Movie Nights
  • Liver Activation™ Drinks
  • Top-Quality Probiotics
  • Organic Tea Bar
  • Food Prep Demos
  • Digestive and Lymph Cleanses
  • Guided Meditations
  • Sleep Enhancing Tea
  • Green Smoothies
  • Emotional Wellness Workshops
  • Nature Walks & Excursions
  • Art Activities
  • Digestion Tune-up™ Drinks
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Hexahedron 999 Water
  • Bonfires in season
  • Fresh Lemon Juice
  • Yoga Classes
  • Immune Boost Supplements


  • Vegan Organic Meals
  • Lifestyle Education
  • Fitness
  • Body Care Classes
  • Game and Movie Nights
  • Liver Activation™ Drinks 
  • Top-Quality Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes
  • Food Prep Demos
  • Whole Body Detox 
  • Guided Meditations
  • Yoga
  • Adrenal and Thyroid Support
  • Emotional Wellness Workshops
  • Nature Walks & Excursions
  • Art Classes
  • Bonfires in season
  • Digestion Tune-up™ Formula
  • Quality Magnesium Supplement
  • Hydration with Herbal Teas & Lemon
  • Fun Outings
  • Fresh Wheatgrass Juice
  • Sleep Enhancing™ Tea
  • Green Smoothies

The Individualized Part of Your Emotional Program is

Fresh Start Individual Healing Path, or Go-Deeper Program

Individual Healing Path™ is a customized and individualized health plan designed by the Fresh Start professional team to address the specific health issues that you choose to work on during your Core Program while staying at the Fresh Start Retreat for 7, 14, or 21 days. Individualized Healing Path™ consists of 3 main components:

  • One-on-One Services
  • Healing Custom Protocols™
  • Professional Guidance

On the Individual Healing Path™you will experience one-on-one work with Natural Health/ Emotional Wellness Specialists and customized health supplements and drinks. The goal here is to address your unique health concern more individually and specifically, be it working in-depth on weight loss, depression recovery, quit smoking, headaches or other health challenges. Your individualized health plan will be created from over 40 unique health-focused therapies and 30+ custom protocols for organ balancing, rebuilding and advanced organ-specific cleanses. The plan will be carefully designed, based on a thorough before and upon arrival assessment, using over 15 years expertise of guiding people through the individualized healing process.


emotional wellness services
  • Counselling

  • Quit Smoking Coaching

  • Life Coaching

  • Somatic Therapy

  • Habits Repatterning Coaching

brain & cellular reprogramming
  • Swedish Massage

  • Lomi Lomi Massage

  • Hot Stone Massage

  • Thai Yoga Massage

  • Herbal Stem Massage

energy balancing treatments
  • Reiki

  • Shiatsu
  • Tuning Forks

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • Aromatherapy Massage

body scrubs & wraps
  • Salt Glow Body Scrub

  • Kelp Body Wrap

  • Herbal Body Wrap

  • Clay Body Wrap

  • Coffee Body Scrub

localized hydrotherapy and green therapy
  • Hot and Cold Fomentations

  • Topical Green Nourishment Therapy
  • Hot and Cold Foot Treatments

  • Hydrotherapy Sinus Treatments

  • Hot Potato Broth and Aromatherapy Inhalations

face, foot, hand and hair care
  • Fresh Start Natural Facial
  • Head, Hair and Scalp Treatment
  • Foot Reflexology

  • Facial Cupping

  • Parrafin Hand and Foot Treatments

structural muscular-skeletal function services
  • Acupuncture

  • Deep Tissue Massage

  • Cold Laser Therapy

  • Tui Na (TCM Physio and massage)
  • Regular and Contemporary Cupping

advanced body cleansing treatments
  • Colon Hydrotherapy

  • Halotherapy

  • Far Infrared Sauna
  • Ionic Foot Bath

  • Nettle and Clay Foot Treatment

naturopathic services canada
  • Naturopathic Consults
  • Electro Dermal Screening

  • B-12, Mistletoe and Procane Shots

  • Bowen Therapy by ND

  • Medications Adjustments


Organ Cleansing 
Digestive Flush
Heavy Metal
Respiratory (Lung)
Small Intestines
Organ Rebuilding
Anemia (Blood)
Heart and Circulatory
Mental Energy
Mild and Advance Digestion Rebuilding
Ulcer/Internal Bleeding
Organ Rebalancing
Blood Sugar Stabilizing
GI Elimination Enhancing
Metabolism Enhancing
Underweight Stabilizing
Urinary Infection
Vaginal Infection


Organ Cleansing 
Digestive Flush
Heavy Metal
Respiratory (Lung)
Small Intestines
Organ Rebuilding
Anemia (Blood)
Heart and Circulatory
Mental Energy
Mild and Advance Digestion Rebuilding
Ulcer/Internal Bleeding
Organ Rebalancing
Blood Sugar Stabilizing
GI Elimination Enhancing
Metabolism Enhancing
Underweight Stabilizing
Urinary Infection
Vaginal Infection


Organ Cleansing 
Digestive Flush
Heavy Metal
Respiratory (Lung)
Small Intestines
Organ Rebuilding
Anemia (Blood)
Heart and Circulatory
Mental Energy
Mild and Advance Digestion Rebuilding
Ulcer/Internal Bleeding
Organ Rebalancing
Blood Sugar Stabilizing
GI Elimination Enhancing
Metabolism Enhancing
Underweight Stabilizing
Urinary Infection
Vaginal Infection


We work with you individually to assist you in reaching your unique health goals. In order to achieve them, there has been designed an effective and safe healing process, including Professional Assessments and Guidance. Below you’ll find an overview of its steps. HOVER OVER TO SEE DETAILED EXPLANATION.


Pre-program Assessment

Upon Arrival Assessment

Individualized Healing Path™ Creation

Explanation Consult

Healing Path™




One-on-on-one Therapeutic & Detox Services

Healing Custom Protocols™

Fresh Start Healing Structure™

Check-ins & Fine-tuning of the PATH, as needed


End Program Results Assessment

Self-Assessment of Improvements

Individualized Post-Program Plan

Post Program Healing Momentum

Fresh Start Emotional Wellness Team

Kate Richards, MC, CCC, RCC 

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Kate is a Certified and a Registered Clinical Counsellor, brings a wealth of experience in trauma-informed, person-centred care. Her experience encompasses a wide range of concerns, which includes depression, anxiety, trauma etc.

Experience: 5 yrs

Chanci Dawn, B.Ed., RNCP

Emotional Wellness Specialist

Chanci’s pleasure and passion is holistically supporting her clients in their own healing, so they can live their most radiant, whole and fulfilling lives. Chanci studied psychology with a particular interest in emotional eating and eating disorders.

Experience: 13 yrs

Tova Payne, BA in Psychology

Emotional Wellness Specialist

Tova is a Certified Life Skills Facilitator, Life Skills Counselor and Equine Facilitated Wellness Specialist. She is also a certified yoga instructor and registered holistic nutritionist. Tova specializes in body energetics, somatic wellness and mindfulness.

Experience: 19 yrs

Program Results

Depression (Before program & after program)

Depression (Before program & after program)

Depression (Before program & after program)

Depression (Before program & after program)

Depression (Before program & after program)

Depression (Before program & after program)

Disclaimer: Results of participants differ and the Fresh Start cannot guarantee that you will experience your improvements in the same way as in this testimonial. The Fresh Start is not an allopathic medical facility and does not claim to either diagnose or treat any disease. The Fresh Start does not guarantee a recovery from any specific disease or a health symptom.

Professional Help is Here For You

You have tried many things on your own and feel like you need to go away to a health restoration & lifestyle transformation retreat. A place where your healing can be guided by a professional team. We are here to assist and support you on your path to health, happiness and a vibrant life. Enjoy your guided health retreat in a beautiful nature setting, enhancing your personal healing journey.

Your Emotional Wellness Retreat Will Be a Life-Changing Experience