The purpose of the Free Phone Consultation (30-60 min) is to see whether what you are looking for and what we offer, matches. While the decision is the #1 step in  our healing journey, the informed decision gives peace of mind.

Homework prior inquiring:

Please, do watch/read through the testimonials and ask yourself…what work did these folks put in to start getting better? Just like you, they read through the site, feeling lethargic and really down, some not able to hold their tears…some were in both, emotional and physical pain. Many smoked marihuana or cigarettes to number their overwhelming feelings, but yet all of them still had a reason to get better. Your desire to get better and willingness to follow the guidance to help you get better is #1 requirement to be accepted into the program.

We look forward to speaking with you soon. We trust you’ve done your homework :) evaluating the program you may potentially want to attend.

Before you start, please review these pages, if you have not yet:

How Program Works, Rates, Dates and What’s included

Your Contact Information

Mailing Address

Program Length & Dates

Program Questionnaire:

MEDS DETAILS: Please provide: Name, dosage, what it is taken for, how long you’ve been on it and the meds effectiveness. Prozac, 10 mg (twice a day), for Depression/Anxiety, on it for 10 yrs. It works for me but makes me lethargic. NOTE: spelling of the medication is most important, in case we need to research it.

Organic Vegan Meals:

Fresh Start meals are dairy, gluten, meats, fish and other seafood, sugar and eggs free. Would you need to order meal customization for nuts fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, herbs or greens, we’ll review and let you know if we can customize that ingredient and any additional charges involved. E.g. we cannot customize almonds, cashews or night shades. We have a small kitchen and are able to accept 2-3 guests with customizations, provided they are simple.

UNABLE TO CUSTOMIZE: food texture issues, picky eating or food disorders. We highly advise to check out specialized mental health rehabs to address the underlying issues.

Do you have any food texture issues or a food disorder?

Evaluation process, whether we can accommodate it: During the consultation call Program Consultant will request a list of ALL food ingredients you are requesting to customize, send the info to the Head Chef to identify in which recipes each ingredient is used (e.g. kale, 4 days, 4 lunches), review how many meals need to be customized and will give you a quote.

If approved the following fees will be applied upon registration: $50 custom Menu Planning fee + Per meal customization cost and level of complexity. Fees range anywhere from $75 to $150.

We limit to 2-3 guests per program with meal customizations, as it is major strain on the kitchen. There is nothing worse then find out about it upon arrival.

NOTE: we do not accommodate food texture issues, picky eating or food disorders.