Custom Healing Protocols™

Fresh Start is specializing in individualized and personalized approach to client’s health and using holistic means of healing. Over the years it also has developed a solid knowledge base is advance cleanses of specific organs and systems. Custom Healing Protocols™ consist of carefully chosen and results-oriented formulas, assisting in healing of specific organs and body systems. These protocols are based on many years of experience in detox and deeply healing programs.

Custom Protocols Types:

  • Organ Support/Rebalancing Formulas

    Designed for assisting in stabilizing or regulating specific organs in need, f. ex. edema protocol or urinary infection protocol.

  • Organ Rebuilding Formulas

    Include special ingredients, such as organic juices and herbs, known holistically to enhance healing, nourishment and gentle cleansing of the specific organs. Based on nutritional content of mincronutrients and energetical qualities of the plant.

  • Advanced Organ Specific Cleanses

    Unique formulas for deeper detox of various organs/systems. See a list of organ cleanses below.

Sample Ingredients used in Custom Protocols

  • Herbal teas and capsules
  • Healing foods
  • Fresh vegetable & fruit juices
  • Raw egg
  • Clay
  • Electrolytes
  • Unrefined sea salt
  • Charcoal
  • Super foods
  • Systemic enzymes
  • Wild grasses juice (in season)
  • Field/ forest herbs juice (in season)

Fresh Start Custom Healing Protocols

Organ Rebalancing
Custom Protocol™
Blood Sugar Stabilizing
GI Elimination Enhancing
Metabolism Enhancing
Underweight Stabilizing
Urinary Infection
Vaginal Infection
Organ Rebuilding
Custom Protocol™
Anemia (Blood)
Heart and Circulatory
Mental Energy
Mild and Advance Digestion Rebuilding
Ulcer/Internal Bleeding
Organ Cleanses
Custom Protocol™
Gall Bladder Flush
GI and Lymph Flush
Heavy Metal
Internal Poultice
(for absorbing high levels of toxins,
such as in headaches or post-chemo
& heavy metal detox)
Respiratory (Lung)
Small Intestines

This list is provided to show various options we use to help you on individual level. The list is not exhaustive, and a combination of various formulas may be used  for the same protocol to further customize protocols to your needs.

Disclaimer: In spite of the quality ingredients and their tested combination, these are NOT magic formulas or bullets. They work in combination with other elements of the program and are enhancing your healing accumulatively, gradually and naturally.

How are Protocols Created, Adjusted and Monitored

Custom Protocols are is an integral part of the GO-DEEPER™ program and will will designed by a specialist upon study of your health profile, individual health goals and an In-depth Upon Arrival Assessment. Some guests may not need or need minimum Custom Healing Protocols™. If your health condition requires protocols, they’ll be included into your INDIVIDUAL HEALING PATH™.

Protocols are reviewed on a weekly basis. First week you’ll have 3-days of Custom Protocols, designed based on your health assessments. During this time we’ll observe how your body takes them. If no adjustments needed, you will follow the same protocols for the second week or longer. If adjustments are needed, they’ll be made for the next week, or in case of sensitivities to ingredients – as soon as possible. For 21-Day program: if sufficient results are achieved with the chosen protocols by the end of week 2, or if a different issue is chosen for that week focus, other protocols will be designed in order to address the new need.

Based on observation of symptoms, your feedback of improvements and post-program assessments (14 & 21-day Guests only). For 21-Day Guests, we also use the Mid-Session health screen. However, not all protocols produce an instantly noticeable effect, and none of them work like magic pills. Not all health conditions will improve. Natural products do not work like drugs, but they add to the effectiveness of the rest of the healing elements. Over the period of 2-3 weeks, most guests see accumulative results; some do within several days or faster.

Most Custom Protocols are not served every day. For week 1, it is three days (Thu to Sat) and five days per week (Tue to Sat) for the rest of the weeks. We need to do a health assessment, study your results in detail, custom-create protocols, and train the kitchen staff. This requires three days. We also give you small breaks after each week to allow for revision of the improvements and adjustments, as well as not to miss the Sunday outing. Rare protocols require daily or custom dates and will be delivered differently.

Most custom protocols are served with meals at 11:45 a.m. and are taken as a self-serve at bedtime, though this may vary, based on the need. Some guests may need to take their protocols early in the morning or add to their water throughout the day. This all depends on a health condition and the specific protocol requirements.

Custom Protocols have a dedicated budget and are part of your Program Cost. This is a joint budget with one-on-one treatments. We will plan services and custom protocols within that budget.

Rarely. Occasional unexpected last-minute products may be extra.

NOTE: We do not go over the budget without your prior approval.

All over-the-budget requests on your side also will be charged additionally.

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